Emil Sitka ~

The Fourth Stooge

        "The most important actor in most Stooges films, besides the Stooges themselves, was the sharp-nosed, wide-eyed Emil Sitka... His presence was such a mainstay of the operation that many thought of him as an undeclared 'fourth Stooge.'"

                                       -Moe Feinberg, Larry Fine's brother

                                         Larry The Stooge In the Middle



To communicate with friends and fans of Emil Sitka, share information about his life and career, preserve the cultural heritage of the Hollywood productions in which he participated, and promote his legacy as The Fourth Stooge.

EmilSitka.com is an on-line informational resource serving the mission of the Emil Sitka Fan Club.

EmilSitka.com / Fans

Comments & Letters

December 31, 2013
Just saw Emil in Slaphappy Slueths...Man did he nail it in that short. The scene where he is "attended" to by the boys in the service station was really funny and your dad's timing was awesome. Great site...Keep his name alive. He was a treasure.
-Mary Gregg

March 8, 2013
Hello Saxon,
I wanted to pass along. I met your dad in L.A. in 1976. I was on vacation with my family. I was 16. He was kind enough to meet me at a local restaurant. I was at an early age. A huge 3 Stooges fan. I even wrote to your dad and Moe, Larry, Joe B and Curly Joe. In fact I still have all the letters and pic's that they sent me. I still enjoy their work even today. Keep up the great work?
-John Mildner

I've been a Stooge fan since I was 10. I love all the regular cast... Vernon Dent.. Christine McIntyre and of course Emil Sitka... Please include me as a fan... now hold hands you lovebirds
-Richard Schmidt, 2/2/2013

I love Emil's work with the Stooges. A true genuinely funny man!
-Jerry Esposito, 12/25/2012

I loved reading all of this wonderful information on your father. I was especially touched by his early years living with the priest. He was really a very exceptional artist. The Stooges bring sweet memories to me. My brother liked to practice the stunts on me! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God bless.
-Nancy Taylor, 12/24/2012

Happy Birthday Emil Sitka!
-Craig Scott Lamb, 12/22/2012

Cheers to Emil Sitka today! He's just beyond awesome...
-Asia Eriksen, 12/22/2012

A big Happy Birthday to Emil Sitka... he would've made a wonderful 4th stooge.
-Anders Eriksen, 12/22/2012

November 7, 2012
Hi Saxon,
     I must say I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the website you maintain in honor
of your father and it fascinated me in many ways, besides the fact, that
yes, I am a fan of the Three Stooges. But I've also had a growing interest
in actors, like your father, that had long careers in film but did not
become household names.  And speaking of names, Emil Sitka a great and
unusual name in my opinion. I too, love Sitka and Emil is a family name on
my mother's side.
     I've never once in my life joined or contributed to a fan club of any kind.
     Your father's life story is very touching and as crazy as it seems, reminded
me a lot about my own life. I grew up as a ward of the state of California
and one of the good memories of my childhood was watching the Three Stooges
on TV. It was a common thread no matter whose house I lived in during the
late 60s and early 70s. When I became a mother in the late 80s, I vowed to
not give my children the life I'd lived, but the Three Stooges was a family
value I could embrace! It was then I began to notice the other cast of
characters and began to wonder who they were. Back then, I had little time
or resources to find out.  
     The fact you are keeping his memory alive (for those of us zany enough to
look for it) makes me smile.
Regards, Lee Revis
PS: The Valdez Star would be proud to be listed as a contributor and a link
would be fun. We are one of the few remaining family owned newspapers in the
US, and all three of us are fans.  We are not (or ever have been) wealthy or
even that prosperous, but as long as the lights are on, I believe in sharing
what there is. We are in the process of upgrading our site and I will
definitely add yours when it happens, hopefully next month.

November 8, 2012
Hi Saxon,
     Something I forgot to mention yesterday, is that my late father-in-law was a huge fan and an incurable jokester. When I saw your dad’s epitaph it reminded me of his and wanted to share it with you, just for a laugh.
Take care, Lee

Just saw your Dad in an old HAZEL episode with Shirley Booth... He was good as usual... Loved his work and the website.
-John Gregg
, 6/30/2012

Saxon, I've always admired your dad's versatility and expert comic timing. Whenever he appears on screen it's like seeing an old friend.
-Michael Townsend Wright
, 4/16/2012

I always loved Emil's work ("hold hands you lovebirds!"). Bought a magazine he signed (contained an article about him) a number of years ago on Ebay, and I still like looking at it, a connection to the Stooges who gave me so much enjoyment as a kid, to this day.
-Mike Brooks,

I knew your father when I was minister of the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles and he was a member (1969-1976). He was absolutely one of the nicest people I have ever known. I think about him often.
- Peter Christiansen,

Kramer of Seinfeld fame is a direct copy of Emil.
- Bill McD.,

Let us know what you think of the new Stooge movie... Your Dad was great.. I love his LOVEBIRDS routine.
- John Gregg,

Your father was really funny. I enjoyed looking at the site...
- John Gregg,

I enjoy seeing Emil's appearances with the 3 Stooges..over and over again. Never gets old. Wish I had met him. God Bless
- Spero Karoutsos,

Congratulations to this website! Emil made the childhood of thousands much happier. People like him never die, just wait in heaven.
- Ricardo Bourhenne,

Hello! Just dropped by to say GREAT website -- Emil was a great actor. My favorite one of his shorts with the Stooges was "Who Done It." "Be careful! My furniture!" *SMASH* I don't know what made his voice that way, but it was perfect for his characters!!! :) I'm very glad a website was made about him -- he certainly was a "fourth stooge!" Thanks again!
- Carly Lei

A little downtime at work so i was trolling around some Stooge sites and ran upon this one. Loved Emil. I always knew an episode would be just a little bit better with Emil in the cast. My favorite role was when he was just constantly pummeled as he was trying to marry off Shemp. I remember how he struggled to get the lines out toward the end of the film..."Hold hands you lovebirds". I don't know much about the premise of the Three Stooges movie being produced but i hope the Farrelly brothers remember and recognize Emil in the movie.
- Mitchell Smith

I always enjoyed the stooges and emil sitka seemed to be in more than a few episodes. his timing was great and he was so funny
- sarge upton

I loved Mr. Sitka's work. He definitely was a major part of the Stooges.
- Kiko Derderian

It was great hearing you on Radio Once More..been a huge Stooge fan since I can remember. Your dad was THE best supporter in Stooge History.
- Roger

Loved him in Space Patrol, and I credit him in my book.
- Jean-Noel Bassior  (www.spacepatrolbook.com)

Your dad was great. i have all their movies and shorts and watch them at least twice a week. He would of been a great stooge! Thanks for your website.
- John Gerardi

I often watch The 3 Stooges on Antenna TV on Saturday nights. I know the stuff is corny and slapstick but it is fun nonetheless. Emil Sitka has caught my eye in watching numerous 3 Stooges short films as he has a certain charm all his own; I look forward to seeing him now.
- David Stear

Thank you for the detailed information / history on Mr. Sitka. I have been a fan since childhood and can now appreciate his dedication and talent even more.
"your drink Madam".....
      - Sincerely, Jim L.

 Thank you for honoring your dad with a nice website. I am the chief administrator for a physicians office and surgery center and am known for my affinity of the characters that played in the stooge shorts and your father was the best and cracked me up (but not as good looking as Christine McIntyre). His double takes and how he could take a punch was great.
     - Dale Taylor

I've always enjoyed Emil's work, and now that I've completed my collection of The Three Stooges shorts, I'll be looking for him as I watch them over time. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet any of the Stooges or Emil -- I certainly grew up watching them in the '60s on TV.
     - Chris Brown

I watched "Brideless Groom" minutes ago (perhaps for the 200th time) and I must say how much I admire Mr. Sitka. Of his many other roles, I like him very much in "Who Done It." He was always a pleasure to watch.
     - Airton G.

I really enjoyed Emil Sitka. First of all, thank you for creating this site on the internet. Second, I would like to know how to become an official member of Emil Sitka's fan club if it just wouldn't cost too much of my allowance.
     - Ernest A.

I always enjoy the stooges for a laugh. The coined phrase for Emil Sitka, "Hold hands you lovebirds," is a classic!
     - Stephen P.

Your father was the best.
     - Carlos L.

I grew up in the 50s and 60s watching the Three Stooges on TV. I remember Emil Sitka very well. Stooge shorts wouldn't be the same without actors like him. He and the Stooges brought a young boy many hours of pleasure growing up.
     - Jim McC.

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