Emil Sitka ~

The Fourth Stooge

        "The most important actor in most Stooges films, besides the Stooges themselves, was the sharp-nosed, wide-eyed Emil Sitka... His presence was such a mainstay of the operation that many thought of him as an undeclared 'fourth Stooge.'"

                                       -Moe Feinberg, Larry Fine's brother

                                         Larry The Stooge In the Middle



To communicate with friends and fans of Emil Sitka, share information about his life and career, preserve the cultural heritage of the Hollywood productions in which he participated, and promote his legacy as The Fourth Stooge.

EmilSitka.com is an on-line informational resource serving the mission of the Emil Sitka Fan Club.



Released February 2, 1950
Producer - Jules White
Director - Jules White


Shemp Howard
Larry Fine
Moe Howard
Christine McIntyre
Nanette Bordeaux
Kathleen O'Malley
Pat Moran
Joe Palma
Emil Sitka
Wally Rose


The DVD set below has not only all the Stooges shorts but also the two-reelers of Shemp Howard, Joe Besser and Joe DeRita! It's a fantastic set of Stooge material AND it's the first release of Columbia Pictures' non-Stooge shorts since, well, a very long time!
(#46) <-- | --> (#48)

EmilSitka.com / Films / #47


Emil Sitka's List of Movies - No. 47

Feb. 15, 1949
$ 55.00
Three Stooges
Jules White
Express Office Clerk
old grouch

Films of Emil Sitka: HUGS AND MUGS (1950)
by Saxon E. Sitka

          Several weeks after enacting the role of "Mr. Norfleet" in VAGABOND LOAFERS (1949) and a few days after portraying "Captain Daly" in PUNCHY COWPUNCHERS (1950), Emil was called for yet another role with the Three Stooges, marking his eleventh film appearance with the team and his third job in a row with the trio.
          Produced and directed by Jules White and written by Clyde Bruckman, HUGS AND MUGS features a cast that includes Christine McIntyre, Nanette Bordeaux, Kathleen O'Malley, Joe Palma, Wally Rose and Pat Moran.
          The story is about a stolen pearl necklace that winds up in the hands of the Stooges. At the same time, the three beautiful female thieves that stole the necklace finally get of prison and when they go looking for their hidden loot they trace the necklace to the Stooges. Then they turn on their feminine charm aimed towards the Boys in an effort to locate and retake the necklace. In the meantime, several gangsters are following the ladies, and they try to move in and take the necklace for themselves.
          Pandemonium breaks out with the Three Stooges, the three beautiful dames, and the three thugs chasing and hiding from each other until finally Shemp finds a hot iron. by applying the iron strategically to the rear-ends of his foes, he chases them off and saves the day.
          This was Emil's third consecutive film role with the Three Stooges, and at just over thirty seconds of screen time it was even smaller than the previous one, and he received no screen credit for it. Nevertheless, as always when faced with a minor bit part, Emil did his best to make the most of it. When the three lady thieves get out of prison and go to the storage office where they left the necklace, Emil plays an "old grouch office clerk" who tells them, "Your parcel was sold yesterday at auction for storage costs. It was bought by some gentlemen who own the Shangri-la Upholstering Company on Hope Street."
          As "Lily," Christine McIntyre reacts dramatically and protests, "You can't do that!".
          Looking quite grouchy, Emil replies, "I got news for you sister, I did it - and there's nothing you can do about it! Scram!"
          Momentarily frustrated, McIntyre gets a gleam in her eye as she picks up a fountain pen and says, "Oh, mister..."
          Emil looks up, and "Lily" pulls the lever on the pen, squirting black ink directly into the middle of Emil's face. As he stammers and sputters, the ladies laugh and turn to leave in the direction of the "Shangri-la Upholstery Company."
          This was the last Clyde Bruckman script that Emil would work on. Previous Bruckman films Emil appeared in include BRIDELESS GROOM (1947), and THREE HAMS ON RYE (1950) starring The Three Stooges, as well as HONEYMOON BLUES (1946) with Hugh Herbert, ANDY PLAYS HOOKEY (1946) starring Andy Clyde, and ROLLING DOWN TO RENO (1947) with Harry Von Zell.
          Clyde Bruckman achieved success in the 1920's as a member of Buster Keaton's writing staff, contributing to such Keaton classics as ROUGED LIPS (1923), SHERLOCK JR. (1924), and THE GENERAL (1925). He also directed stars such as Laurel & Hardy, Harold Lloyd, and W. C. Fields. At Columbia, Bruckman penned dozens of scripts for the Three Stooges, including some of their best. By the time HUGS AND MUGS was made, though, Bruckman's career as a writer was declining, and he'd earned a reputation for re-using material from his own and others previous work. Reportedly, in 1955, despondent over his failing career, he borrowed a pistol from Buster Keaton and committed suicide.

Copyright, Saxon Emil Sitka. All rights reserved.
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Someone posted the video below on YouTube. It includes Emil's scenes pretty early on.

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