Emil Sitka ~

The Fourth Stooge

        "The most important actor in most Stooges films, besides the Stooges themselves, was the sharp-nosed, wide-eyed Emil Sitka... His presence was such a mainstay of the operation that many thought of him as an undeclared 'fourth Stooge.'"

                                       -Moe Feinberg, Larry Fine's brother

                                         Larry The Stooge In the Middle



To communicate with friends and fans of Emil Sitka, share information about his life and career, preserve the cultural heritage of the Hollywood productions in which he participated, and promote his legacy as The Fourth Stooge.

EmilSitka.com is an on-line informational resource serving the mission of the Emil Sitka Fan Club.


"The Viper's Fang"
or "The Virgin's Dilemma"

Symona Boniface

Women's Clubhouse
Burbank, Calif.

October 1944

Producer - Jimmy Seay
Director - Symona Boniface

Emil Sitka
Ezelle Poule
Martin Nemser
Frank Pharr
Rex Raven
Edith Skinner
Ferrell Lester
Leon Tyler
Suzanne Garber
Aileen Ferris

Both Emil Sitka and Symona Boniface appeared in many of the films discussed in the very informative book shown above, as well as many Stooge and non-Stooge shorts included in the extraordinary DVD package shown below.

EmilSitka.com / Stage

"The Viper's Fang" or "The Virgin's Dilemma"

Symona Boniface

October 1944

Women's Clubhouse
Burbank, California

          As mentioned elsewhere, this is the play that Emil Sitka credited for his break into professional film acting. After a performance of this October 1944 production, talent scouts from several different studios expressed interest in him. One of them was from Columbia Pictures, and this lead to his first-ever Hollywood movie acting job.
          All the essential details of this production are presented in these items taken from Emil Sitka's personal scrapbooks. The circled highlights were made by Emil himself.

EmilSitka.com Image Gallery:
"The Viper's Fang" (Oct. 1944)

The NEWS - Burbank, Calif.
Thursday, October 5, 1944

(Click the images below to enlarge)

EmilSitka.com / Stage / The Viper's Fang / Oct 1944

(Main)  (Oct 1944)  (Aug 1948)  (Sept 1948)  (Oct 1948) (Nov 1948)  (Mar 1949)  (Stage)